ملصق لقطاع غزة (١٩٨٨) Poster: The Gaza Strip, Scale 1:50,000. United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in The Near East. Issued by Public Information Office - UNRWA - GAZA 1988. Printed by the Benevolent Society Printing House for Gaza Strip.
تقرير عن وضع الجامعات في الأراضي المحتلة (١٩٨١) A report comprising 14 pages that assesses the state of universities in the Occupied Territories and offers recommendations. This report has been prepared by the Committee of Hebrew University professors and focuses on five institutions: the Islamic University in Gaza, Birzeit University north of Ramallah, Najah University in Nablus, the De La Salle Brothers' University in Bethlehem and the Islamic University in Hebron
المعرض العربي الثاني (١٩٣٤) كتيب من ١٢ صفحة بعنوان التعليمات الاساسية للمعرض العربي الثااني في القدس الذى افتتح في ٦/٤/١٩٣٤
بعض التعليقات حول أَحْزاب اليَسارِ في اسرائيل كتيب عن المنظمة الاشتراكية الإسرائيلية وأخرى أَحْزاب اليَسارِ
فلسطين: خلاصة إحصائية، الطبعه الخامسة, ١٩٤١ Statistics for Physical, Social & Economic elements of Palestine inclusive of the year 1940. Produced by the Office of Statistics, Jerusalem.
جامعة الجليل العربية كتيب صغير باللغة العربية عن جامعة الجليل العربية
'القدس بريد' - يوبيل فضي العدد. ١ ديسمبر ١٩٥٧ The Jerusalem Post, Silver Jubilee Issue, December 1st, 1957. Anniversary special detailing the story of a Quarter of a Century as told by the columns of this newspaper. Compiled by Ida B. Davidowitz & Arthur Saul Super.
The McMahon-Hussein correspondence, Eighteen-page pamphlet of Correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, and the Sherif Hussein of Mecca, from July 1915 to March 1916, with coloured map showing the Ottoman administrative districts of Syria and Palestine prior to the First World War. Published in 1939, the pamphlet contains the text of ten letters exchanged between Husayn ibn Ali, King of Hejaz (c.1853-1931) Sharif of Mecca, and the newly appointed British High Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon (1862-1949).
القضية الفلسطينية Lecture given by the Jordanian Prince Hassan Ben Talal at Harrow School, July 1964.
المشروع الثقافي الفلسطيني - مركز الأبحاث للتراث العربي الطيبية ١٩٩٣ Document illustrating a proposal for the establishment of "The National Center for Palestinian Culture" in hopes of preserving and expressing Palestinian culture.
أوراق عادل العظمة, صندوق ١(١) Seven sets of photocopied pages from the papers of Adil Al-Azmah, ranging between three and 21 sheets of paper, including copies of letters, lists of figures and document fragments, with some official seals. Most of these have been numbered individually (Nos.1-99). Almost all in Arabic, except for Palestine telegram receipts from Jerusalem in 1936.
The Papers of Adil Al-Azmah. Box 6 (ii) Photocopies of documents and letters relating to the death of Adil Al-Azmah in 1952, including personal letters sent to Nabih Al-Azmah from contacts in Palestine, Egypt, Turkey and Lebanon.
أوراق نبيه العظمة, صندوق ١١(٤) Photocopied documents and letters from the Palestine papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 1 to 14, and including a typed copy of a letter from Lebanese politician and author Shakib Arslan, two letters from Syrian journalist Khair al-Din al-Zirikli written from the El-Arabiah bookshop in Cairo, and other correspondents.
أوراق نبيه العظمة, صندوق ١١(٥) Photocopied documents and letters from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 15 to 17 and including a letter to him from the Vice President of the Central Committee for Relief to Arab Victims in Palestine.
أوراق نبيه العظمة, صندوق ١١(٦) Photocopied documents and letters from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 18 to 22, including a 'Statement of the Arab World' (22) and a typed letter to Nabih Al-Azmah from the Palestinian Immigration and Travel Section granting him permission to extend his sojourn in Palestine.
أوراق عادل العظمة, صندوق ١٢(١٠) Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, including a letter from a carpentry and furniture store in Jaffa, the Bureau National Arabe e Recherches & D'Information in Damascus and a a pamphlet produced for the Arab Conference on Palestine entitled 'Domestic Law'
أوراق عادل العظمة, صندوق ١٢(١١) Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, including letters from Mohamed Ali Tamimi and Omar Daouk
أوراق عادل العظمة, صندوق ١٢(١٢) Photocopied presscuttings and ephemera from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah.
أوراق عادل العظمة, صندوق ١٢(١٣): فهرس فهرس أوراق نبيه العظمة الفلسطينية
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (iii) Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 154 to 240. These include a letter from Beirut lawyer Abdallah El-Yafi (January 1937), a telegram from Palestine (1936), letters on illustrated notepaper dated December 1934, February 1935, March 1936, January 1937, April 1937 (177, 181, 192, 213, 218), a letter to the Minister of Finance (176), letters relating to Fawzi al-Qawuqji's Society for the Defense of Palestine and conflict with the British in Iraq (222-225), a letter from Dr Chichacli in Hama, Syria (229) plus copies of other notes, letters and cards.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (i) Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 509 to 599, and containing letters, telegrams and other documents. Many were posted within Egypt, with several letters being sent from ships sailing from Cairo, Trieste, Alexandria and other Egyptian ports. One letter (531) is on headed notepaper from the Iraqi Consulate in Cairo, another (540) bears the name of Haifa firm Bohsali & Aoueini; and two letters from the moderate Palestinian politician Fakhri el-Nashashibi (568, 573).
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 9 (iv) Photocopied pages from the Syrian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 124 to 192, and including letters and telegrams from both Palestine and Syria, a copy of small personal card written from Othman Kassam to Nabih Al-Azmah, communications from the National Bloc (including a typed letter in French signed by Hashim al-Atassi ) and the League of Nationalist Action, a short note from the offices of the Palestinian political newspaper Al-Liwaa and the Syrian paper Al-Djazireh, as well as correspondence from Shukri El-Tagi El-Faruki of Wadi Hinen in Palestine, and others.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 9 (v) Photocopied pages from the Syrian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 193 to 310, and including a telegram from Palestine, letters from the Arab Palestinian Committee in Cairo (257) and correspondence and papers from the Arab Bank . There is also a fragment of an original envelope (not photocopied), posted in Damascus on 2 October 1937 and with a Jerusalem postal stamp on the reverse, on which Nabih Al-Azmah has written comments in Arabic.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 9 (vi) Photocopied pages from the Syrian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 311 to 432, and including correspondence from Nabih Al-Azmah in his role as Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Defense of Palestine, letters and telegrams from Palestine, Syria and Geneva, communications from the Ministry of the Interior, as well as a Swiss presscutting (315), and letters from organisations including L'Union Feministe Arabe, the All Arab Youth Congress (371) and the Bureau National Arabe de Recherches et d'Informations in Damascus (376).
الجمعية الشبان المسيحيين (القدس) في الأردن. بداية جديدة في خدمة, ١٩٤٩-١٩٦٠: قصة خيمة The Y.M.C.A. Jerusalem in Jordan: A New Beginning in Service 1949-1960 - The Story of a Tent