الإحصائيات السكانية البحرينية (١٩٥٩)
A 22-page document on the third Bahraini census, including methodology and statistics.
البَحرين إحصَاءات تعداد السّكَان ١٩٧١
Two copies of the Bahrain Population Census for 1971, in Arabic and English.
معركة مرباط
مستشفى حمد العام (الدوحة قطر) - الوثائق الهندسية
Documents and photograph by building construction and civil engineering company, Bernard Sunley & Sons Ltd, the main contractor for Hamad General Hospital in Doha.
كتيب معرض البحرين الزراعي ١٩٥٩
52-page booklet in English and Arabic for the Bahrain Agricultural Show, held in Qudhaibiya Park, Manama, from 26 February to 6 March 1959.
الحرب الاستعمارية البريطانية في الخليج
Bulletin 1 of 'al-Wa'y' [Awareness], published by the Democratic Moderates movement of Kuwait University, April 1982
Part of a collection of various materials including pamphlets, stickers & bulletins of the 'Democratic Moderates' movement of Kuwait University students, 1982 - 1983.
Bulletin 2 of 'al-Wa'y' [Awareness], published by the Democratic Moderates movement of Kuwait University, May 1982
Part of a collection of various materials including pamphlets, stickers & bulletins of the 'Democratic Moderates' in Kuwait City, 1982 - 1983.
Bulletin 3 of 'al-Wa'y' [Awareness], published by the Democratic Moderates movement of Kuwait University, June 1982
Part of a collection of various materials including pamphlets, stickers & bulletins of the 'Democratic Moderates' in Kuwait City, 1982 - 1983.
Bulletin 5 of 'al-Wa'y' [Awareness], published by the Democratic Moderates movement of Kuwait University, April 1983
Part of a collection of various materials including pamphlets, stickers & bulletins of the 'Democratic Moderates' in Kuwait City, 1982 - 1983.
Bulletin 6 of 'al-Wa'y' [Awareness], published by the Democratic Moderates movement of Kuwait University, May1983
Part of a collection of various materials including pamphlets, stickers & bulletins of the 'Democratic Moderates' in Kuwait University, 1982 - 1983.
Campaign for Solidarity with Oman: The Political Line
تعميم إلى لجان المناصرة والانصار
تعميم الى انصارالثوره حول الاحتفال بالتضامن مع نضال شعب عان رالخليج العربي
تعميم الى انصارالثوره حول الاحتفال بالتضامن مع نضال شعب عان رالخليج العربي
تعداد المباني با المدن ١٩٧٥ في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
تعداد المباني با المدن ١٩٧٥ في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. يحتوي على معلومات إحصائية مفصلة عن أعداد وأنواع المباني في المدن في جميع أنحاء دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
Climate of Jebel Akhdar (SAIQ). Sultanate of Oman, 1977.
An A4 paper summarising the available climatic data for Saiq in the Jebel Akhdar. Water Resources OMA 77/001 Field Document No. 2. Muscat, January 1977. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Petroleum & Minerals. Directorate of Agriculture, Water Resources Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
NB. The file contains the following caveat: At the time of print, this document had yet to receive the endorsement of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and does not necessarily present the opinions or recommendations of that Organization.
Climate of The Batinah. Sultanate of Oman. 1973-1977.
An A4 paper summarising the available climatic data for Batinah from 1973-1977. Field Document No. 4. F.A.O. Project OMA/77/001. Muscat, December 1977. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Petroleum & Minerals. Directorate of Agriculture, Water Resources Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
NB. The file contains the following caveat: At the time of print, this document had yet to receive the endorsement of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and does not necessarily present the opinions or recommendations of that Organization.
Comparative Performance Figures for 1978, 1983 & 1984
المسح الاحصاءي الشامل لامارة دبي: الكتاب الاول – المسح الاقتصادي والاجتماءي
المسح الاحصاءي الشامل لامارة دبي: الكتاب الاول - إجمالي السكان وخصاءص المباني والوحدات السكنية والمنشات
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Secretariat General: The Cooperation Council - Charter; The Supreme Council - Rules of Procedure; The Ministerial Council - Rules of Procedure; The Commission for the Settlement of Disputes - Rules of Procedure
المسءولية اللجتماعية واقع عملي
جزيرة داس
Publication by the Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) on the development of Das Island. ADMA-OPCO and Zakum Development Company (ZADCO) later merged to form the offshore arm of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).
فجر النفط في ظفار
المملكة العربية السعودية - المؤسسة العامة لتحلية المياه المالحة: مقدمه
15-page Desalination Programme published by the Saudi Arabian Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) around 1974, with details of various projects and their estimated completion dates, between 1965 and 1984.