PDO. Oil Rig. Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 13).
Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 41)
صورة للكتابة الحميرية على الصخور في اليمن صورة للكتابة الحميرية على الصخور في اليمن
صوير الإمام محمد البدر بن حميد الدين, آخر ملوك المملكة المتوكلية اليمنية, مع المؤيدين صوير الإمام محمد البدر بن حميد الدين, آخر ملوك المملكة المتوكلية اليمنية, مع المؤيدين الملكيين بعد ثورة ٢٦ سبتمبر.من اليسار إلى اليمين - الوقوف: محمد محسن, شرف مطهر, محمد حسين, عبد الرحمن يحيى, إمام محمد البدر بن أحمد, عبد الله حسين وأحمد حسين. جالس: يحيى حسين و عبد الله حسن
صورة القبر السنوسي الكبير Photograph taken by John Carter of the tomb of Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi (1787–1859), known as 'the Grand Sanusi' and founder in 1837 of the Islamic Order of the Sanusiya. He settled at Jaghbub in 1855 and died here four years later. His grandson, King Idris of Libya, was born at Jaghbub.
Photograph of view from Lawdar to Zara, Yemen Small black and white print, taken by John Carter in the early 1960s, captioned 'Looking west from Lodar to Zara with Sultan Salih bin Audhali's palace at Zarah on the far side of the orange trees.' Lodar (Lawdar) is a town in the Abyan Governorate in south-west Yemen, with Zara located about 1 km to the west. Sultan Salih was deposed on the creation of the People's Republic of Yemen in 1967.
Pre-Islamic Tombs. Izki, Oman. Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 3).
Rawashid Tents at Fasad, Dhofar Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 31)
Road through the wadi at Fanjah Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 44)
Saint's Tomb. Salalah, Dhofar Province. Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 2).
Sheikh Ali bin Hilal's camels. Banat Hamra. Dhubiyan and Laghdan with Sheikh Hamad bin Muhammad al Duru'. Eid al Fitr, 1968 Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 52)
Sheikh Hamad bin Musallim al Duru'i Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 47)
Sheikh Huwayshil with his son Ali and Sultan bin Musallim al Duru'i Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 51)
Sheikh Salim bin Sayf al Durr'i and his sons, Sayf and Ma'ayuf with Muhammad bin Sayf and Ali bin Musallim Al Duru'i Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 48)
Sheikh Sulayman bin Kharas al Duru'i Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 53)
The Sumayl Gap Road, Oman Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 28)
صورة بيحان في اليمن صورة منزل الضيففي بيحان, اليمن. على اليمين يوجد المنزل والبرج شريف حسين بن أحمد الهبيلي
Wife of Sheikh Sayf al-Duru'i. Oman. Photograph from the John Carter collection (Box 8 no. 8)
مشعلة الغاز من حقل يبال العماني مشعلة الغاز من حقل يبال العماني افتتحته شركة تنمية نفط عمان في عام ١٩٦٨