مسجد محمد علي في القاهرة Photograph by the Zangaki Brothers of the Mosque of Mohamed Ali in Cairo
Photograph by Paul Dittrich showing the interior of the dome of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali in Cairo. Photograph by Paul Dittrich showing the interior of the dome of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali in Cairo.
Photograph by the Zangaki Brothers of the Citadel and the Mosque of Muhammad Ali, Cairo, taken from the Mokattam hills. Photograph by the Zangaki Brothers of the Citadel and the Mosque of Muhammad Ali, Cairo, taken from the Mokattam hills.
Photograph of 'Cleopatra's Bath', Aswan Photograph by J.P. Sebah of 'Cleopatra's Bath', Aswan. Captioned No. '892. Assouan. Bain de Cleopatre.' On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Assowan. Cleopatra's Bath.'
Photograph of a 'Turkish' woman smoking a hookah pipe Posed studio photograph of a 'Turkish' woman smoking a hookah pipe, described as a 'shibouk' in a pencil note on the reverse written by Frank Dean.
Photograph of a group of fishermen with nets Photograph by J.P. Sebah of a group of fishermen with nets standing at the edge of the Nile, captioned '922. Pêcheurs au filet.' Stuck to the back of EUL MS 466/36
Photograph of a Shadouf Photograph by Paul Dittrich of a shadouf, or irrigation lift - for scooping water from an irrigation channel - in use, with a woman standing in the channel carrying a water vessel in her head. one man operating the shadouf, and a young boy standing at the edge. Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse, 'Chadouf, for raising water by hand for irrigation purposes', and has written the word out in Arabic on the front of the picture.
Photograph of a Sudanese woman Photographic portrait by Paul Dittrich of a Sudanese woman [captioned 'Negresse Sudanaise'.] Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse, 'Soudanese Negress. Note tattooing on arms & beads around neck.'
Photograph of a young Arab girl Photograph by the Zangaki brothers of an Arab girl in a chequered shirt and headscarf, holding a large pottery water jug, captioned 'No.779 Jeune fille arabe.' On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil, 'Arab girl. Note name tattooed across the chest & large earthenware jug for water. When full, these jugs weight about 80 lbs & they carry them on their heads. Frank, Egypt, May 1913. (8)'
Photograph of an Arab girl in a patterned shirt Photograph of an Arab girl in a patterned shirt with a bead necklace, headscarf and earrings.' On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil, 'Arab girl. 2.'
Photograph of Arab girls carrying water with boy playing pipe Photograph of two Arab girls holding water jugs alongside a boy playing a pipe. Taken by the Zangaki Brothers and captioned 'Studio of Zangaki Brothers. No.741 Filles arabes porteuse d'eau.'
Photograph of Assiout Photograph by J.P. Sebah of the city of Assiout [Asyut] on the Nile,captioned '702. Assiout. Vue panoramique II. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Thebes. Door of the King. Entrance to one of the Tombs of the Kings.'
Photograph of boy on water buffalo by pyramids at Giza Photograph of boy on water buffalo by pyramids at Giza
Studio Zangaki No.457 La beufe de l'eau
Photograph of carved rocks at Gebel Silsila, Egypt Photograph by J.P. Sebah of carved rocks at Gebel Silsila, above the Nile, captioned '863. Gebel Silsileh, Nord-Est.'
Photograph of cataract above Aswan Photograph by J.P. Sebah of the river Nile above Aswan. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Second cataract above Assowan.'
Photograph of copper engravers, Cairo Photograph of copper engravers, Cairo, possibly by Paul Dittrich.
Photograph of Egyptian family eating a meal Photograph from the Zangaki studio of an Egyptian family group seated around a low table and eating and drinking. Frank Dean has written some notes in pencil on the reverse.
Photograph of Egyptian girls collecting water. Photograph by Paul Dittrich of Egyptian girls collecting water. Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse, 'Peasant girls. Fellahin...[illegible] vessels with water. Note the luxurious vegetation.'
صورة الحمالين في نهر صورة الحمالين في نهر. ويذكر أن الرجال يحملون تعويذات مصنوعة من آيات من القرآن ، مخيطين في أكياس جلدية مربوطة في حقائبهم
Photograph of fountain at Sultan Hasan mosque, Cairo Photograph by J.P. Sebah of the water fountains in the courtyard of Sultan Hasan mosque in Cairo, captioned 'Mosq. Sultan. Fontaines des ablutions (Hassan)'. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Sultan Hassan Mosque. Fountains for Ablutions. All Mohammedans wash themselves before beginning to pray, in Mosques.'
Photograph of Khan el Khalil bazaar, Cairo Photograph by Paul Dittrich of a stall at the Khan el Khalil bazaar in Cairo. Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse, 'Brass engraver's shop, Note the different kinds of lamps, stands &c, trays &c.'
Photograph of minarets in Cairo Photograph of minarets in Cairo
Photograph of Nubian fishermen in a river Photograph from the studio of the Zangaki brothers, showing of five Nubian fishermen standing knee deep in the river. No.655. Nubie Les pecheurs de cataract.
Currently stuck to the back of MS 466/47
Photograph of old Cairo street Zangaki Brothers No.372 Rue de vieux Caire
Photograph of Osiris statuettes in the Museum of Antiquities, Cairo Photograph by Paul Dittrich of a display of around twenty statuettes of Osiris in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo.. Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse, '(Museum) Statuettes of God Osiris.'