Photograph of pyramid at Saqqara
Photograph of the stepped Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, taken by the Zangaki Brothers and captioned 'Studio Zangaki No.457 Pyramide de Sakkara.'
Photograph of Qasr el Nil bridge opening for boats Photograph of Qasr el Nil bridge opening for boats
Studio of Zangaki Brothers. No.464 Ouverture de Kasr el Nil
Photograph of Qasr el Nil bridge, Cairo Photograph of Qasr el Nil bridge, Cairo
صورة لفلاحين مصريين في نهر Photograph by J.P. Sebah of rural workers at a water channel in the Egyptian countryside, captioned '316 Paysage...[..|?]'. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil two words, only one of which ' 'Country' - is legible. Two women are standing in the water channel with jugs on their heads, while a young boy with a goat and others in the background all face towards the camera.
Photograph of sculpted stone heads of Kings in the Museum of Antiquities, Cairo Photograph of sculpted stone heads of Kings in the Museum of Antiquities, Cairo
Photograph of Sphinx and pyramid of Cheops at Giza Photograph of Sphinx and pyramid of Cheops at Giza
Studio Zangaki No.443 Pyramide de Cheops, le Sphynx et le Temple
Photograph of Sphinx with the pyramids at Giza in the background
Photograph of Sphinx with the pyramids at Giza in the background, taken by the Zangaki Brothers in the late 19th century. Captioned 'Studio Zangaki No.453 Sphynx decouverte.' Handwritten notes by Frank Dean on the reverse.
Photograph of street in old Cairo Photograph of street in old Cairo
Zangaki Brothers No.371 Rue de vieux Caire
Photograph of students at Al Azhar, Cairo Photograph of students at Al Azhar, Cairo
صورة مسجد محمد علي وقلعة صلاح الدين بالقاهرة ، مأخوذة من القرافة صورة مسجد محمد علي وقلعة صلاح الدين بالقاهرة ، مأخوذة من القرافة
صورة مسجد محمد علي وقلعة صلاح الدين بالقاهرة ، مأخوذة من تلال المقطم صورة مسجد محمد علي وقلعة صلاح الدين بالقاهرة ، مأخوذة من تلال المقطم
Photograph of the entrance to Sultan Hasan mosque, Cairo Photograph of the entrance to Sultan Hasan mosque, Cairo. Captioned 'Sult. Hassan Porte 13.' On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Sultan Hassan Mosque. Note the enormous high doorway, compare with height to carriages standing near.'
Photograph of the Great Temple and Sacred Lake at Karnak Photograph by J.P. Sebah of the Grand Temple and Sacred Lake at Karnak, captioned '805. Karnak. Grand Temple et le Lac Sacre. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Karnak. Great Temple and Sacred Lake.'
Photograph of the Holy Carpet Parade with the Mahmal, Cairo Photograph from the Zangaki studio of the Holy Carpet Parade with the Mahmal, Cairo. Captioned 'Arrivée du Mahmal au Caire'. Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse.
Despite the caption, the 'mahmal' was not a carpet but an ornately embroidered covering carried at the head of the pilgrimage procession to Mecca. The return of the mahmal after the Hajj was a special occasion, as it was believed to carry blessings which could be obtained by touching the fabric.
Photograph of the interior of Al Azhar Mosque, Cairo Photograph by Paul Dittrich of the interior of the Al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo, captioned '24. Mosquée El Azhar (intérieur)'. Frank Dean has written in pencil on the reverse, 'Al Azhar Mosque. A great university for Mohammedan students from all over the world.'
Photograph of the interior of the dome of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali in Cairo. Photograph by Paul Dittrich showing the interior of the dome of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali in Cairo, from which hang numerous lamps, captioned 'Mosquée Mohamed Aly. Sanctuaire.' The print is identical to one taken by Jean Pascal Sébah, and may be a misattributed copy.
Photograph of the mausoleum of Sultan al-Ashraf Qaytbay in the Cairo Necropolis Studio of Zangaki Brothers. No.166x? Caire Tombeaux....[..]
Photograph of the Mosque of Saida Nahmoussa, Cairo Photograph of the Mosque of Saida Nahmoussa, Cairo
Photograph of the Temple of Mut, Karnak Photograph by J.P. Sebah, captioned '846: Reste du Temple de Mouthe'. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Karnak. Remains of the Temple of Mouthe.'
Photograph of the Temple of Phylae. Photograph by J.P. Sebah the Temple of Phylae. On the reverse, Frank Dean has written in pencil 'Temple of Phylae.'
صورة لمقبرة المملك في القاهرة Photograph by the Zangaki Brothers of the Tombs of the Caliphs, Cairo, captioned in French as 'No.330. Tombeaux des Kaliphs', and showing the Mamluk-era mausoleum of Emir Majlis Sudun.
صورة لمقبرة المملك في القاهرة صورة لمقبرة المملك في القاهرة
Photograph of young volunteer soldiers from Souakim Photograph of young volunteer soldiers from Souakim, the former main port city in Sudan and the location for British military activity during the Mahdist wars in the 1880s.