A photo of Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou in Mahabad KDPI leader Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou delivering a speech in Mahabad, 20 November 1979
A photograph with annotation: "a camp of seasonal worker Kurds, close to Izmir, Turkey, 1998". A photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "a camp of seasonal worker Kurds, close to Izmir, Turkey, 1998". Boy walking away from the camera with makeshift washing line in foreground and shelters in the background.
A photograph with annotation: "the morning in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the morning in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Three men sitting at a table with two others standing behind. All looking into camera.
Five photographs showing the Shah of Iran and Alexei Kosygin, Premier of the Soviet Union, at the opening of the Isfahan steel works in 1973. Five photographs by Edith Maubec showing the Shah of Iran and Alexei Kosygin, Premier of the Soviet Union, at the opening of the Isfahan steel works in 1973.
Four photographs of the oil field at Ahvaz in 1975 Four photographs taken by Edith Maubec of the Iranian oil fields at Ahvaz in 1975
Pasdaran artist painting a portrait of Ruhollah Khomeini, Tehran, December 1985. Photography by Edith Maubec of a Pasdaran artist - a Guardian of the Revolution, or member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard - painting a portrait of Ruhollah Khomeini, Tehran, December 1985.
Pasdaran artist with his painting of Ronald Reagan, 1985. Photograph by Edith Maubec of a painter from the Cultural Section of the Revolutionary Guards, showing his painting of US President Ronald Reagan as an agent of death, taken in Tehran in 1985
Photograph with annotation: "in Qaladiza of the wife of an armoured-car soldier, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "in Qaladiza of the wife of an armoured-car soldier, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Woman standing, holding onto tank.
Photograph with annotation: "Kurdish Nomads, Van area, Turkey, 1981". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Kurdish Nomads, Van area, Turkey, 1981". Girl holds ropes of suspended, elongated barrel.
Photograph with annotation: "Vejdi Sayar, in charge of the Istanbul Film Festival, Turkey, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Vejdi Sayar, in charge of the Istanbul Film Festival, Turkey, 1991". Portrait of suited man in glasses looking sideways at the camera, with posters as backdrop.
Photograph with annotation: "'Arriving in Halabja', Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "'Arriving in Halabja', Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Boy stands under banner with inscription reading: "Martyrs City Welcome His Visitors Halabja Is No Less Than Heroshima". on the left side of the banner written PUK.
Photograph with annotation: "a family in their ruined house, in Qaladiza, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "a family in their ruined house, in Qaladiza, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Two adults and three children sit atop a broken reinforced concrete structure.
Photograph with annotation: "camp of nomadic Kurds in the mountains on sheep trail. Turkish Kurdistan, 1981". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated "camp of nomadic Kurds in the mountains on sheep trail. Turkish Kurdistan, 1981". Men and women in amongst black and white sheep with hazy background.
Photograph with annotation: "in a village, in the region of Mardin, Turkish Kurdistan, 1987". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "in a village, in the region of Mardin, Turkish Kurdistan, 1987". Two men and woman sitting on floor with rug / tapestry hanging on wall behind.
Photograph with annotation: "the championships of Kirk Pinar, Edirne, Turkey". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the championships of Kirk Pinar, Edirne, Turkey". Two men in foreground wrestle. Other pairings wrestling in background with onlooking crowd in stands.
Photograph with annotation: "the courtyard of a mosque. Iraq". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the courtyard of a mosque. Iraq". Woman in burkah standing outside a mosque. More people and birds in background.
Photograph of with annotation: "an old woman standing on the ruins of her house, Halabja, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "an old woman standing on the ruins of her house, Halabja, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Woman standing with ruined buildings and undergrowth in background.
Photograph of Abdol Majid Majidi and others at the first congress of the new Iranian 'Rastakhiz' party in November 1975. 11" x 9" photograph by Edith Maubec of the first congress of the new Iranian 'Rastakhiz' party in November 1975, showing Abdol Majid Majidi - minister of state and director of the Plan and Budget Organization - in the audience alongside other members of the Rastakhiz party.
Photograph of carved stone statue with annotation: "in Iraq". Photograph by Edith Maubec, of carved stone statue annotated: "in Iraq". Carved, stone statue of person with right hand raised and quill/feather in left hand.
Photograph of desulfurization plant at Bid Boland, Khuzestan Province, Iran, 1975 Photograph by Edith Maubec of desulfurization plant at Bid Boland refinery in southwestern Khuzestan Province, Iran, 1975
Photograph of Farouk Ramazan and his wife in the south of Tehran, 1994 Photograph by Edith Maubec of Farouk Ramazan and his wife in the south of Tehran, 1994
Photograph of Farouk Ramazan, with his wife, daughter and son, in their home in the south of Tehran, 1994 Photograph by Edith Maubec, taken in Iran in 1994, of Farouk Ramazan, with his wife, daughter and son, in their home in the south of Tehran.
Photograph of Hasham Fayaz playing the role of Imam Hussein in a Ta‘zīye performance, Iran 1991. Photograph by Edith Maubec, taken in Iran in 1991, of a Ta‘zīye performance in which Hasham Fayaz - seated and veiled - plays the role of the martyred Imam Hussein.
Photograph of Iranian Prime Minister Amir-Abbas Hoveyda in 1975 Photograph by Edith Maubec of Iranian Prime Minister Amir-Abbas Hoveyda in 1975, standing in his office in front of a large map of Iran and the Gulf , as well as a display of portraits of world leaders
Photograph of Iranian Prime Minister Amir-Abbas Hoveyda in 1975 at the first congress of the new Iranian party Photograph of Iranian Prime Minister Amir-Abbas Hoveyda in November 1975 at the first congress of the new Iranian 'Rastakhiz' party - the name can be seen written in Persian on the back wall of the congress hall.