19th century manuscript copy of 'Hikayet-i Dikyanus' Manuscript volume in Ottoman Turkish containing copy of 'Hikayet-i Dikyanus', a treatise on 'The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus'. According to a note opposite the title page, the manuscript was written by Syed Mohammed, Persian Secretary to the Bagdad Residency, March 1821.
This treatise is based on the popular tale 'The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus' [As'hab al-Kahf] which is recounted in the Qur'an (18:9-22). In this story, a group of young men, persecuted for believing in one God in times before Islam, take refuge in a cave, where they slept for many years in an act of grace from God. Of the questions put to the Prophet by the Quraysh in order to test his prophetic knowledge, one was about how long the sleepers had slept.
The volume bears the signature of D.C. Bell, the British resident surgeon and Assistant Resident in Baghdad, who was appointed ca. 1820.
A detailed report on the Social Solidarity Committees “The Civilian Aspect of the Almoravid Movement” Detailed 48-page report on the civilian resistance groups in Kuwait that organised themselves as 'The Almoravid Movement' to resist Iraqi forces following the invasion on 2 August 1990.
A handwritten article by the Committee for the Defence of the Kurdish People's Movement in Iraq The Committee for the Defence of the Kurdish People's Movement penned a four-page handwritten article in 1976. In this article, the authors criticise both the Iraqi and Iranian governments for their efforts to suppress the Kurdish population with the assistance of local Kurdish parties. Committee members include the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, the Association of Kurdistan Students Abroad (AKSA), and the Confederation of Iranian Students National Union (CIS).
A new slogan, an old policy On April 22, 1985, a number of Komala members and sympathisers in the UK released a two-page printed statement criticising Jalal Talabani's shift in the party's slogan from the call for autonomy to the right to self-determination.
A photograph of Saddam Hussein and H.G. Balfour-Paul shaking hands A Photograph of Saddam Hussein and H.G Balfour-Paul shaking hands, with stamped and handwritten text on the back.
A report on military operations by the Iraqi state in Qala Deza
A Special Bahrain Supplement of Aswaq Tijariya (January 1958) A special supplement of the Baghdad-based business magazine 'Al-Aswaq Al-Tijariya' (January 1958) focussed on Bahrain.
Agrarian Reform Law and the End of Feudalism (1958) Pamphlet on 'Agrarian Reform Law and the End of Feudalism' (1958) comprising speeches by new President Abdul-Karim Qasim and his former pupil, Hadib Al-Hajj Hamoud, Minister for Agriculture, along with a treatise on the topic.
Agricultural Policy and Land Reform Cooperatives in Iraq (PhD thesis, 2007) by Nidhal K. Rashid
PhD thesis from 2007 by Nidhal K. Rashid, a former M.A. post-graduate of Exeter (1972), based on primary sources and provides an analysis of the historical experiences of agricultural policy and land reform, not only in Iraq but also in comparison with Egypt, Iran, and Russia, in addition to an examination of the role of cooperatives in achieving rural development between 1950 and 1980.
The University of Leicester (U.K.) published two chapters of the study in their magazine The International Journal of Cooperative Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, August 2005 and Vol. 3, No. 2, Nov. 2007.
Al-Da'wah Chronicle. The Voice of the Iraqi Mujahideen No.44 (December 1983) Issue No.44 (December 1983) of 'Al-Da'wah Chronicle. The Voice of the Iraqi Mujahideen', published in London by the Information Committee of the Islamic Da'wa Party (Europe). Topics discussed include the recent bombings of American and other embassies in Kuwait, Ba'athist crimes in Iraq, Islamic political struggle, and 'the Martyrdom of the Five Scholars' in Baghdad in December 1974.
Ancient Monument in Iraq. The Monastery of Rabban Hormizd (Near Mosul). 1934. History of the the monastery founded at Alqosh near Mosul in the early seventh century by Rabban Hormizd, a monk of the Assyrian Church of the East. The monastery was later an important site for the Chaldean Catholic Church. The book was written by Georgis H. Awad and published by the Al- Nadjm Press, Mosul, in 1934.
Annual Journal of the Kurdish Students Society in Europe, No. 13, 1969. 46-page issue of the Annual Journal of the Kurdish Students Society in Europe, No. 13, (1969) edited by Dara Attar and containing articles by Lord Kilbracken, Taufiq Wahby and C.J. Edmonds.
Babylon booklet 20 page booklet on the ancient site at Babylon, in English, Arabic, German, Russian and French, published in 1982 by the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and Information's State Organization of Antiquities and Heritage. In addition to a descriptive history of the site, there are plans, photographs, artistic reconstructions of the buildings and illustrations of Babylonian costume.
Baghdad City Map, circa 1960s Baghdad City Map, Issued by the Summer Resorts and Tourism Service, Baghdad. Circa Mid C20th
Baghdad No. 9 (July 1974) Issue No.9 of 'Baghdad' magazine, published in July 1974 by the Iraqi Ministry of Information and containing articles on The Kurdish Academy in Baghdad, Abu Mnaycir summer camp, medieval Baghdad, Arabic calligraphy, traditional Iraqi music and other topics.
Basra, early 1980s B&W photograph of a street in Basra during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), with sandbags visible as a protection against air attack
British documents on Mustafa Barzani (1903-79) Selection of documents on Mustafa Barzani, including three pages of handwritten biographical notes on diplomatic notepaper and a typed transcript of an interview with Barzani by Richard Beeston (1926-2015)
Bulletin Of The Kurdish Students Society
Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (August 1964) Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (August 1964)
Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (January-February 1966)
Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (July 1964) Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (July 1964) containing articles on Palestine, the Arab Socialist Union and the oil industry
Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (May-June 1965) Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (May-June 1965)
Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (September 1964) Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (September 1964), containing articles on Arab nationalism, Israel and anti-colonialism (Part Two), the Kurds, Iraqi industry and Egyptian theatre
Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (September-October 1965) Bulletin of the Republic of Iraq (September-October 1965) with articles on British-Iraqi relations, Aden, the third Arab League Summit, development in the city of Baghdad, Arab art and literature, etc.
Development of Irrigation, Drainage & Flood Control During the Period 1950-1975 in Iraq Publication entitled 'Development of Irrigation, Drainage & Flood Control During the Period 1950-1975 in Iraq'. In English.