11 September, thanks and congratulations. Single page press release in Kurmanji Kurdish and Arabic, issued in February 1970 by the Komeley Xwendekarani Kurd li Ewrûpa on the activities of the UK Branch of the the Kurdish Students Society in Europe.
Supas ù Pírozbayî
Laqî Inglistan lem duwayîyeda be rûdawêkî xoş hate peş, be derçunî govarî 11 Eylûl. Em nawe ke nazdarî dilî hemû Kurdeke... Rojî dagîrsanî şorisî Kurdistanî Xuwarû
Be gûman (11 Eylûl) betalîyekî gewre le çarçêwey xebatî komele nebezekeman pirr ekat, her bemeş Komelekeman hengawêki gewrey hawîşt bo pêşewe.
A handwritten article by the Committee for the Defence of the Kurdish People's Movement in Iraq The Committee for the Defence of the Kurdish People's Movement penned a four-page handwritten article in 1976. In this article, the authors criticise both the Iraqi and Iranian governments for their efforts to suppress the Kurdish population with the assistance of local Kurdish parties. Committee members include the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, the Association of Kurdistan Students Abroad (AKSA), and the Confederation of Iranian Students National Union (CIS).
A letter to Omar Sheikhmous from Latif Rashid on behalf of the Kurdish Students Association in Europe A letter to Omar Sheikhmous from Latif Rashid, in Arabic, on behalf of the Kurdish Students Association in Europe (KSSE)
A Message from Izz al-Din Husayni (Ezaddin Husseini) Mamosta Ezaddin Husseini raises three demands:
1- Stop repression in Iran and specifically in Kurdistan
2- Organizing a referendum
3- An international investigation on human rights in Kurdistan
A new slogan, an old policy On April 22, 1985, a number of Komala members and sympathisers in the UK released a two-page printed statement criticising Jalal Talabani's shift in the party's slogan from the call for autonomy to the right to self-determination.
A news report from Mahabad in Bāmdād newspaper (25/11/1979) A report on the protest in Mahabad and a nine-point resolution was published in the Bāmdād newspaper.
A photo of Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou in Mahabad KDPI leader Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou delivering a speech in Mahabad, 20 November 1979
A photograph with annotation: "a camp of seasonal worker Kurds, close to Izmir, Turkey, 1998". A photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "a camp of seasonal worker Kurds, close to Izmir, Turkey, 1998". Boy walking away from the camera with makeshift washing line in foreground and shelters in the background.
A photograph with annotation: "the morning in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the morning in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Three men sitting at a table with two others standing behind. All looking into camera.
A poster by Komala A small poster had issued by Komala Kurdistan's Organization of the Communist Party of Iran, dated 1368 (in the Shamsi calendar, therefore 1989), to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the founding of the communist party of Iran.
A report on military operations by the Iraqi state in Qala Deza
A statement from the office of Sheikh Ezaddin Hosseini This statement expresses the willingness of political forces in Kurdistan for a political solution to stop the imposed war of state against Kurds and welcome the negotiation board to Kurdistan. However, they still emphasise the autonomy of Kurdistan within a democratic Iran and ask people to be united.
An announcement signed by the Kurdish People's Representative Board about the draft of rights and obligations of autonomous regions Copy of an article from the Persian newspaper 'Kayhān'. In this article, Kurdish representatives raise their objection to the draft of rights and obligations of autonomous regions published by the government's special delegation for Kurdistan.
An article on the Kurdish National Liberation Movement, based on a book by Aziz Shemzini A five-page article on the Kurdish National Liberation Movement, based on Aziz Shemzini’s book 'Jolaneweyi Rizgari Nishtimani Kurdistan' [The Patriotic Freedom Movements from Kurdistan]. Aziz Shemzini was a prominent member of the KDP in the 1940s - the grandson of Abdel Kader Shemzini, he received a doctorate in Leningrad in 1958. His book was published in Kurdish, Arabic and Russian.
Annual Journal of the Kurdish Students Society in Europe, No. 13, 1969. 46-page issue of the Annual Journal of the Kurdish Students Society in Europe, No. 13, (1969) edited by Dara Attar and containing articles by Lord Kilbracken, Taufiq Wahby and C.J. Edmonds.
Apartheid in Iran leaflet Single sheet leaflet entitled 'Apartheid in Iran', issued in 1989 by an unknown opposition group, that argues that 'by separating men from women as second class citizens', the Islamic Republic has created a form of apartheid comparable to that in South Africa
Bequest of a Martyr. The Last Testament of Comrade Jelal Ali Marif, executed at Mosul Central Prison, Iraq, on 28 January 1978. Fifteen-page booklet containing a short biography and last testament of Jemel Ali Marif (1944-78), also known as Jemal Resh, a member of the Kurdistan Marxist Leninist League who was tortured and executed by Iraqi Baathist security forces.
British documents on Mustafa Barzani (1903-79) Selection of documents on Mustafa Barzani, including three pages of handwritten biographical notes on diplomatic notepaper and a typed transcript of an interview with Barzani by Richard Beeston (1926-2015)
Bulletin Of The Kurdish Students Society
Bulletin of the Solidarity Council of the Peoples of Iran, No. 10 (November 21, 1979) Issue no. 10 of the Bulletin of the Solidarity Council of the Peoples of Iran ('Būlitin-i Shūrā-yi Hambastigī-i Khalqʹhā-yi Īrān') with ten pages of news and articles published by the Organisation of Kurdistan Students Abroad (KOMALA) - Swedish section.
It includes the terms of the ceasefire and the autonomy plan of the Kurdistan Toilers' Revolutionary Organisation, as well as short pieces of news on different regions of Iran, but specifically Kurdistan, and an article on honouring the memory of the martyrs.
Copy of Jalal Talabani's handwritten founding declaration of the PUK Copy of Jalal Talabani's handwritten founding declaration of the PUK
Cyclostyled handwritten proclamation to the Kurdish people by the KDP Cyclostyled handwritten proclamation to the Kurdish people by the KDP
Documents of Indictment (1994): A collection of documents condemning the mercenary and terrorist wing of the Kurdistan Islamic Movement and ordering it to attack the federal government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq A compilation of documents published by the PUK to highlight terrorist activities undertaken by the Kurdistan Islamic Movement in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Draft of rights and obligations of the autonomous regions (in Persian) In this article, Hashem Sabbaghian, a member of the government's special delegation for Kurdistan, shared the draft of rights and obligations of the autonomous regions with Kayhān newspaper and asked people and political parties to share their comments about the draft with the secretariat of the government's special delegation for Kurdistan within a maximum two weeks.
Draft of rights and obligations of autonomous regions The foreign office of Sheikh Ezaddin Hosseini's supporters translated the "draft of rights and obligations of autonomous regions" by the government's special delegation for Kurdistan for Kurds living abroad.