Photograph with annotation: "the PDK electoral campaign, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the PDK electoral campaign, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Armed men with car sporting murals.
Photograph with annotation: "the Peshmergas in the PDK Headquarters posing in front of a portrait of General Barzani in the village of Shaklawa, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Peshmergas in the PDK Headquarters posing in front of a portrait of General Barzani in the village of Shaklawa, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Four men leaning casually next to large mural. Two other men and boy standing close by.
Photograph with annotation: "the prison of Dogubayazit, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the prison of Dogubayazit, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Small buildings and trees with pylon and scrubland in foreground. Framed through a window.
Photograph with annotation: "the ruins of a mosque showing a coranic lecture on the second floor and an exhibition on the first floor. Halabja, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the ruins of a mosque showing a coranic lecture on the second floor and an exhibition on the first floor. Halabja, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Small seated gathering on upper level with armed man looking down through hole in reinforced concrete to lower level showing suspended shell casing and papers on floor.
Photograph with annotation: "the secondhand clothes market in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the secondhand clothes market in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Men and boys gathered around tables.
Photograph with annotation: "the Security Headquarters prison in Sulemanyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Security Headquarters prison in Sulemanyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". A man points to inscriptions on the wall.
Photograph with annotation: "the sheep near Dogubayazit, Ararat, Turkish Kurdistan, 1981". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the sheep near Dogubayazit, Ararat, Turkish Kurdistan, 1981". Sheep scattered across a sparse landscape which rises into hills and a snow-capped mountain in the distance.
Photograph with annotation: "the spring at Dicle, 7km from a settlement, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the spring at Dicle, 7km from a settlement, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Water channel flowing from dual archway with small group of women and children.
Photograph with annotation: "the spring of Dicle (Piran), Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the spring of Dicle (Piran), Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Water channel flowing from dual archway with small group of women and children.
Photograph with annotation: "the street in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated "the street in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Men and four sheep outside shop fronts in a street
Photograph with annotation: "the street in Dogubayazit, Turkish Kurdistan, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the street in Dogubayazit, Turkish Kurdistan, 1997". Men sitting at tables next to a wall with inscription starting with 'FOTOKOPI'.
Photograph with annotation: "the town of Batman, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the town of Batman, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Street scene showing two men on motorcycle with lorries, high-rise buildings and BP petrol station in background. Shot through cracked windscreen of vehicle.
Photograph with annotation: "the Turkish Army in Kirmizikopru, [a] village in Dersim [Tunali], Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Turkish Army in Kirmizikopru, [a] village in Dersim [Tunali], Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Framed through vertical bars in foreground, buildings sit at the foot of a slope.
Photograph with annotation: "the village of Tur Abdin, Mardin, Turkey, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the village of Tur Abdin, Mardin, where little by little, the houses are abandoned due to the war between the PKK and the Government of Ankara. Turkey, 1998". Remnants of stone housing and rubble provide a backdrop. Men and women standing in the foreground.
Photograph with annotation: "the Zikr of the Dervishes, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Zikr of the Dervishes, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Men sitting in circle.
Photograph with annotation: "Three Kurdish Peshmerga, Iraq, 1973".
Phtograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Three Kurdish Peshmerga, Iraq, 1973". Showing three Peshmerga running with their guns.
Photograph with annotation: "Training of the Peshmerga, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1973." Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Training of the Peshmerga, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1973." A group of PDK Peshmerga lying on the floor, aiming rifles.
Photograph with annotation: "travelling salesmen in a cafe in Kars, Turkey, 1997." Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "travelling salesmen in a cafe in Kars, Turkey, 1997." Two men sitting at a table with display boards of watches. Other cafe customers sitting in background.
Photograph with annotation: "UN guards in Kurdish house, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "UN guards in Kurdish house, 1992". Two guards and a boy sitting up by a wall. A rug / tapestry with Peacock detail hangs behind.
Photograph with annotation: "UN guards with Kurds, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "UN guards with Kurds, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Four men standing by car on road.
Photograph with annotation: "unemployed Kurdish men expelled from their village, Dicle, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998. Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "unemployed Kurdish men expelled from their village, Dicle, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998. Line of men sit up against the building fronts, in the shade, on a street.
Photograph with annotation: "Unemployed men in the afternoon, in a street in Van, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998." Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Unemployed men in the afternoon, in a street in Van, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998." Men seated on a paved street lined with shops.
Photograph with annotation: "Whirling Dervishes, Iraqi Kurdistan 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Whirling Dervishes, Iraqi Kurdistan 1992". Five men standing, eyes closed.
Photograph with annotation: "Yahyia Mohammed Rachid el Jaf, in Duhok, Iraq, 1977". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Yahyia Mohammed Rachid el Jaf, in Duhok, Iraq, 1977". Suited man sitting at desk with many telephones.
Photograph with annotation: "Yahyia Mohammed Rachid el Jaf, in Duhok, Iraq, 1977". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Yahyia Mohammed Rachid el Jaf, in Duhok, Iraq, 1977". He is wearing a suited and sitting at desk with many telephones, staring past camera.