Photograph with annotation: "young Kurd going to fetch water in a shanty town of Istanbul, close to the airport, Turkey, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "young Kurd going to fetch water in a shanty town of Istanbul, close to the airport, Turkey, 1998". Girl carrying a basin on her head with a large bottle in her hand.
Photograph with annotation: "young Kurdish boy picking vegetables near Izmir, Turkey, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "young Kurdish boy picking vegetables near to Izmir. He had never been to school. Turkey, 1998". Boy standing in field looking into camera with other workers in the background.
Photograph with annotation: "young people in a tea house in Dicle (Piran), Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "young people in a tea house in Dicle (Piran), Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Boys sitting around tables playing games.
Photograph with annotation: "Yuksekova Street, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Yuksekova Street, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Men sitting around a table on a pavement lined with shops, stalls and signposts.
PIRSHING No. 3 (August 1986),
in varied copies available
Postcard showing Nasser and a Kurdish boy dressed in military uniform A postcard showing Nasser and a Kurdish boy dressed in military uniform, with an Arabic caption underneath, says, "The Kurdish children await your orders"'
Press release about the Eighth Conference of the PUK in August 1983 Two-page press release in Arabic about the Eighth Conference of the PUK in August 1983
Press release by PUK (taken from broadcast by Sawt al-Sha`b [sic] Kurdistan ) Press release by PUK (taken from broadcast by Sawt al-Sha`b [sic] Kurdistan )
Press release by PUK (taken from broadcast Sawt al-Thawrah al-`Iraqiyah), November 4, 1984 Press release by PUK (taken from broadcast Sawt al-Thawrah al-`Iraqiyah], 4 November 1984
Press release by PUK regarding the ending of the negotiations with the Iraqi Baath regime, January 1985 Three-page press release in Persian by the PUK regarding the ending of the negotiation with the Iraqi Baath regime, issued January 15, 1985
Press release by the PUK, 1985 Two-page press release in Arabic, issued by the PUK on February 18, 1985
Proclamation by Sazman-i Inqilabi-yi Zahmatkishan-i Kurdistan-i Iran (Komala) In this document, there is a short piece on the death of Foad Mostafa Soltani and several short pieces of news on the situation of different cities in Kurdistan in July 1982.
PUK military communiqué, May 10, 1985
single-page PUK military communiqué in Arabic, issued May 10, 1985
PUK organisation in Europe statement on the execution of Shahab Sheikh Nuri and his comrades PUK organisation in Europe statement on the execution of Shahab Sheikh Nuri, who was killed by Iraqi forces along with several of his comrades from the Organisation of the Toilers of Kurdistan (Komaly Ranjdaran) that he had co-founded in 1970, after being handed over by SAVAK agents in Iran.
PUK press release about a new crime committed by the Iraqi government, February 1, 1985 PUK's three-page Arabic press release from 1 February 1985 about a new crime the Iraqi government had committed
PUK press release concerning the Iran-Iraq War five-page PUK press release in Persian concerning the Iran-Iraq war in July 1983. Criticising different parties involved in the war and asking people to resist Iranian forces and preserve the regions that became free.
PUK press release criticising the Iraqi regime for the war with Iran and illuminating the role of Iraqi embassies in Europe The PUK issued a three-page press release in Sorani Kurdish on September 1, 1983. It includes criticism of the Iraqi regime for its war with Iran, which resulted in the deaths and displacement of tens of thousands of Iraqis, as well as financial crises. It also discussed the role of Iraqi embassies in Europe as part of the Iraqi intelligence service, which is responsible for identifying asylum seekers and, in some cases, terrorist activities within European nations.
PUK press release on a battle near Kirkuk between peshmerga and Iraqi forces , 1985 Copy of a handwritten PUK press release about a battle near Kirkuk between Peshmerga and Iraqi government forces, issued 12 May 1985
Registration Statistics 1957 - District of Mosul Tables documenting the population data of Kurdistan regions of Iraq such as Dohuk.
Report of events in Qaradagh, 1966 Roneographed copy of a handwritten report of events in Qaradagh, Suleimaniyah district, by Lajnat Munazzamat Lundun .
Report on recent activities of the PUK Peshmerga, 1985 Five-page typed report in Arabic on recent activities of PUK Peshmerga taken from a broadcast by Sawt Sha'b Kurdistan, 1985
Roza: Kurdish Women's Magazine Against Racism and Sexism, Year 1, No. 4 (September-October 1996)
Roza: Kurdish Women's Magazine Against Racism and Sexism, Year 2, No. 7 (March-April 1997)
Roza: Kurdish Women's Magazine Against Racism and Sexism, Year 2, No. 9 (July-August 1997)
Roza: Kurdish Women's Magazine Against Racism and Sexism, Year 3, No. 15 (February-March 1999)