Photograph with annotation: "Shoe polisher in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "Shoe polisher in Dogubayazit, Turkey, 1997". Three men sit at a table whilst boy polishes the shoe of one of the men. Produce and people feature along the pavement.
Photograph with annotation: "the afternoon in a village in the East, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the afternoon in a village in the East, Turkey, 1997". Two men play board game with other men watching and sitting close by.
Photograph with annotation: "the afternoon in Okacli, Turkey, 1997". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the afternoon in Okacli, Turkey, 1997". Line of men and a boy against a wall with closed shutters.
Photograph with annotation: "the Allies arriving in Shaqlawa, being welcomed by the Kurds. Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Allies arriving in Shaqlawa, being welcomed by the Kurds. Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Helicopter gunship landing in rural landscape with men onlooking.
Photograph with annotation: "the arrival of a family from Diyarbakir, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998." Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the arrival of a family from Diyarbakir. The Kurds displaced from their villages, settling in the towns. Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". People deal with items on a van which is parked in a narrow street between two multi-level buildings.
Photograph with annotation: "the Bomb damage to the Observatory on Mount Korek, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Bomb damage to the Observatory on Mount Korek, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Men standing on girder framework large blast hole in domed roof. Man in foreground looking on.
Photograph with annotation: "the border, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the border, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". A queue of lorries along a road, stretching into the distance. Shot taken from inside vehicle.
Photograph with annotation: "the bus station in Kars, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the bus station in Kars, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". People sitting and walking outside buildings with text painted on the walls.
Photograph with annotation: "the campaign for general elections, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the campaign for general elections, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Large poster and crowd gathered beneath.
Photograph with annotation: "the Dervishes meeting, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Dervishes meeting, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Group of males standing & sitting.
Photograph with annotation: "the Dervishes meeting, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Dervishes meeting, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Boy sitting in group with snake on his head.
Photograph with annotation: "the destruction of a village, Iraqi Kurdistan". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the destruction of a village, Iraqi Kurdistan". Man shovelling rubble outside a house. Children look on from house.
Photograph with annotation: "the distribution of water to Diyarbakir, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the distribution of water to Diyarbakir, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998".
Photograph with annotation: "the electoral code, presented by a Judge in Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the electoral code, presented by a Judge in Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Man sitting down holding up card with arabic writing to the camera.
Photograph with annotation: "the indelible ink used for the vote stamp. Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the indelible ink used for the vote stamp. Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Close-up of large ink bottle with out-of-focus male figure in the background.
Photograph with annotation: "the KDP Headquarters in Sulemanyah with portraits showing President Bakr and the other showing General Barzani, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1971". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the KDP Headquarters in Sulemanyah with portraits showing President Bakr and the other showing General Barzani, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1971". Men stand outside a building with two cars and a Land Rover. Mounted on the outside of the building are two murals showing portraits.
Photograph with annotation: "the leader of the camp and his wife, at the home of the nomadic Kurds in the Van region, Turkish Kurdistan, 1981". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the leader of the camp and his wife, at the home of the nomadic Kurds in the Van region, Turkish Kurdistan, 1981". Looking into the camera, a man brandishing a revolver sits cross-legged next to woman.
Photograph with annotation: "the main street in Dogubayazit, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the main street in Dogubayazit, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Man herding sheep down a busy street full of people and vehicles.
Photograph with annotation: "the main street of Hakkari, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the main street of Hakkari, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Man with cart full of produce and a car face the camera with buildings and people lining the street behind and silhouettes of mountains in the distance.
Photograph with annotation: "the market of Dicle (Piran) and the BTR, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998. " Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the market of Dicle (Piran) and the BTR, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998. " Crowd gathered on raised area between roads. Tractor and armoured car in foreground.
NOTE: Ref. Image ID 1793 (EUL MS483/1/1/1/4).
Photograph with annotation: "the military operations room in Sulemanyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1999". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the military operations room in Sulemanyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1999". Three men, scale model of terrain & blackboard.
Photograph with annotation: "the new quarters of Diyarbakir, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "A new quarters of Diyarbakir, Turkish Kurdistan, 1998". The woman on the balcony looks to the sky. Multi-tiered buildings in the background.
Photograph with annotation: "the Observatory of Mount Korek, bombed by the Iranians , then by the Allies during the Iraq-Kuwait war. Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the Observatory of Mount Korek, bombed by the Iranians , then by the Allies during the Iraq-Kuwait war. Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991". Men standing on girder framework with two large blast holes in domed roof. Man in foreground looking on.
Photograph with annotation: "the Palace of Ishak Pasha, Turkish Kurdistan, 1979". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated "the Palace of Ishak Pasha, Turkish Kurdistan, 1979". Sweeping landscape where grand building sits atop a hillside. Tracks cut across the shot.
Photograph with annotation: "the PDK electoral campaign in Sulemanyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Photograph by Edith Maubec, annotated: "the PDK electoral campaign in Sulemanyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, 1992". Large crowd with hands in the air. White material being waved in front of camera.