A press release about the Anglo-Iranian campaign against the liberated areas of Oman Press statement published by the PFLO representative in Iraq.
A selection of pamphlets & literature of the Democratic Moderates movement of Kuwait University, 1983.
Part of a collection of various materials including pamphlets, stickers & bulletins of the 'Democratic Moderates' movement of Kuwait University, 1982 - 1983.
A statement issued by the founding conference of the All-Soviet Union Committee for Supporting the Revolution in Oman
A statement issued by the National Democratic Forces in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula
A study on the Development of Water and Electricity Sector in Abu Dhabi, July 1981
Abdulla Ahmed Nass... A Success Story 22-page brochure about the Bahrain construction company
Abha Metropolitan Area Action Master Plans, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, June 1980/ Jumad Thani 1399. Project No. 206, Technical Report No. 5, Existing Conditions, Volume One, Background Information. Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs, Deputy Ministry for Town Planning. Prepared by SCAN PLAN SWECO / ARCH Center.
Abha Metropolitan Area Action Master Plans, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 1979 / Jumad Thani 1399. Project No. 206, Technical Report No. 4, Evaluation of Existing Master Plan. Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs, Deputy Ministry for Town Planning. Prepared by SCAN PLAN SWECO / ARCH Center.
Abu Dhabi 1971 Information on Abu Dhabi covering its history, government and politics, social projects and culture.
Abu Dhabi Businesswomen Council Document depicting the aims, innerworkings and intentions of the Abu Dhabi Businesswomen Council.
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd (GASCO)
Abu Dhabi Gas Project - Ruwais Fractionation Plant - Information for Bidders Document containing information for bidders for the Ruwais Fractionation Plant, including description and plans of site facilities and various data.
Abu Dhabi Marine Areas Ltd
Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) A document on the management structure of Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO), with various maps and diagrams. ADMA-OPCO and Zakum Development Company (ZADCO) later merged to form the offshore arm of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).
Achievements of the Department of Construction and Public Works in Abu Dhabi Illustrated brochure on industrial plans, major projects and social works in Abu-Dhabi including images and data on both.
Achievements on the Road of the Revolution An overview of "certain elements of the revolution," namely military, social, education, health and economic.
Aden News Agency General Bulletin for News and Reports, 12 February 1984 28-page 'General Bulletin for News and Reports', published by the Aden News Agency on 12 February 1984, with a cover page in Arabic and the main text in English, including coverage of the funeral of Yuri Andropov, the Yemeni-Ethiopian Economic Symposium and other political, domestic and foreign policy items relating to South Yemen and the ruling Yemeni Socialist Party.
ADGAS at a Glance Publication providing an overview of the Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company (ADGAS) and its LNG (liquefied natural gas) plant.
Aerial photograph of Aden city Aerial photograph of the city of Aden, Yemen. From the Gulf Committee Archive, compiled by Helen Lackner.
Aerial view of a street in Aden city Photograph of a street. From the Gulf Committee Archive, compiled by Helen Lackner.
Agreement Among the Saline Water Conversion Corporation and the Ministry of Finance and National Economy Government of Saudi Arabia and the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Treasury United States of America for Technical Cooperation Six page typed text of an agreement for technical co-operation between the Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), the Saudi Ministry of Finance and National Economy and the US Treasury and Department of the Interior
Ahmed Mansoor Al A'ali Illustrated brochure for Ahmed Mansour Al Ali Group of Companies (AMA Group), the largest contracting and construction group in Bahrain
Ajman Arab Bank - Annual Report 1975
Al Amal No. 37 (June 1995) Issue no.37 of 'Al-Amal', a publication issued jointly by The Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and the National Liberation Front of Bahrain, in June 1995
Al Amal No. 38 (Aug 1995) Issue no.38 of 'Al-Amal', a publication issued jointly by The Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and the National Liberation Front of Bahrain, in August 1995.