The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (iii)
Photocopied documents and letters from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 290 to 412, including letters and telegrams.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (iv)
Photocopied documents and letters from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 413 to 441, including letters from the Beirut-based L'Union Feministe Arabe (414) and the Arab Women's Committee in Jerusalem (439)
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (ix)
Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Documents No.546 to 560
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (v)
Photocopied documents and letters from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 442 to 471, including letters from L'Orient Arabe press agency (444), the Arab Palestinian Information Bureau (447), the Sociedad Union Juventud Arabe in Honduras (454) and Dr Julius Magil of Michigan (463).
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (vi)
Photocopied documents and letters from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, containing documents individually numbered from 442 to 471, including letters from Dr Chichachi of Hama in Syria (479), Abdul-Kader Sabrah (481), Al-Kalem es-Sarih (488) and other papers.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (vii)
Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Documents No.81 to 117
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (viii)
Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Documents No.532 to 545
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (x)
Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, including a letter from a carpentry and furniture store in Jaffa, the Bureau National Arabe e Recherches & D'Information in Damascus and a a pamphlet produced for the Arab Conference on Palestine entitled 'Domestic Law'
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (xi)
Photocopied letters, telegrams and documents from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, including letters from Mohamed Ali Tamimi and Omar Daouk
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (xii)
Photocopied presscuttings and ephemera from the Palestinian papers of Nabih Al-Azmah.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 12 (xiii)
Index to Nabih Al-Azmah's Palestinian Papers
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (i)
Two sets of photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah relating to Hijaz and Yemen, numbered 64 to 102 but missing nos.80-90. These include undated letters and draft documents, a hand-drawn map (no.76).
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (ii)
Two sets of photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah relating to Hijaz and Yemen, numbered 103 to 153. There are three unnumbered documents in place of nos.128-130: 1) A detailed report on armed forces prepared at the request of the king 2) A letter of recommendation 3) Notes on budgets of different army divisions (this documents is missing pp.10-19.) Document no.138 is also missing. These include undated letters and draft documents, telegrams sent via Beirut's Radio-Orient and handwritten notes.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (iii)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 154 to 240. These include a letter from Beirut lawyer Abdallah El-Yafi (January 1937), a telegram from Palestine (1936), letters on illustrated notepaper dated December 1934, February 1935, March 1936, January 1937, April 1937 (177, 181, 192, 213, 218), a letter to the Minister of Finance (176), letters relating to Fawzi al-Qawuqji's Society for the Defense of Palestine and conflict with the British in Iraq (222-225), a letter from Dr Chichacli in Hama, Syria (229) plus copies of other notes, letters and cards.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (iv)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 241 to 333. These include a modern article on Arab Military History with photographic portraits and maps relating to the 1941 campaign, written by a retired colonel and titled 'British Iraqi Warrior', a letter from Dr M-Hikmet of Idlib (1941), a letter from the Iraqi Royal Court to Nabih Al-Azmah and other papers.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (v)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 334 to 358, including letters of thanks, telegrams and correspondence with individuals including Iraqi defence minister and (later) Prime Minister, Taha al-Hashimi, and Dr A.M. El-Kassab.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (vi)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 359 to 382, and comprising chiefly of political publications, including a 10-page pamphlet published by the Hizb al-Istiqlal al-Arabi (Arab Independence party) in 1932, a new agenda for the Al-Kutlah Al-Wataniyah, or National Bloc (1944), a statement, party leader's speech and other publications from the Hizb Al-Nidaa Al-Qawmi, or National Appeal Party (1945), the annual statement of the National Youth Party of Arab Unity, Aleppo (1945-46), a manifesto and policy statement for the National Democratic Party, a constitutional booklet and other documents on the Damascus branch of the Arab Club (1945-46), manifestos for Hizb Al-Waatni, or the National Party (1947), as well as the newly-founded Hizb al-Sha'ab or People's Party (1948), the Usbat Al-'Amal Al-Qawmi, or League of Nationalist Action (1933) and others.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 7 (vii)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 359 to 382, and comprising chiefly of political publications, including a 10-page pamphlet published by the Hizb al-Istiqlal al-Arabi (Arab Independence party) in 1932, a new agenda for the Al-Kutlah Al-Wataniyah, or National Bloc (1944), a statement, party leader's speech and other publications from the Hizb Al-Nidaa Al-Qawmi, or National Appeal Party (1945), the annual statement of the National Youth Party of Arab Unity, Aleppo (1945-46), a manifesto and policy statement for the National Democratic Party, a constitutional booklet and other documents on the Damascus branch of the Arab Club (1945-46), manifestos for Hizb Al-Waatni, or the National Party (1947), as well as the newly-founded Hizb al-Sha'ab or People's Party (1948), the Usbat Al-'Amal Al-Qawmi, or League of Nationalist Action (1933) and others.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (i)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 509 to 599, and containing letters, telegrams and other documents. Many were posted within Egypt, with several letters being sent from ships sailing from Cairo, Trieste, Alexandria and other Egyptian ports. One letter (531) is on headed notepaper from the Iraqi Consulate in Cairo, another (540) bears the name of Haifa firm Bohsali & Aoueini; and two letters from the moderate Palestinian politician Fakhri el-Nashashibi (568, 573).
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (ii)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 600 to 606, and containing six letters and documents from the 1920s, including a printed copy of a speech by Muhammad Ali Pasha (1769-1849), a copy of Nabih Al-Azmah's speech to the fourth annual Arab League conference (in Michigan in the United States?), an open letter from Nabih Al-Azmah to Syrian politician Nazim al-Qudsi (1962?), two statements from Hizb ut-Tahrir, or the Party of Liberation, on the topic of Arab nationalism, and an invitation card to attend a parliamentary session in Egypt (1965)
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (iii)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 607 to 725. These are all handwritten notes that include project drafts as well as miscellaneous writings and opinions on topics such as Arab unity, the revolution in Egypt, colonialism and so on.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (iv)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 726 to 800, comprising miscellaneous handwritten notes and opinions on topics such as Arab unity, colonialism, the nationalist movement, and the reorganization of the political system.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (v)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, individually numbered from 801 to 826, consisting of handwritten political comments, notes and opinions, plus a hand-drawn map of the Red Sea.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (vi)
Photocopied pages from the papers of Nabih Al-Azmah, mostly copies of visiting/business cards from Al-Azmah's contacts and associates, including Nicolai Vinogradov, Issaak Issagoulou and Vsevelod Fedorenko of the Soviet Legation in Syria, Abdurrahman Nafiz Gurman, Turkish diplomats Aplulhala Aksin and Galib Euvcen, plus other political representatives from Iran, Syria and Turkey.
The Papers of Nabih Al-Azmah. Box 8 (vii)
Copies of presscuttings and sheets from various newspapers, from the 1930s to the 1960s, including the Syrian Communist Party's newspaper Al-Noor,