"A call to brotherly Egyptian people"
"A statement about the puppet authorities’ arrest of a number of innocent citizens" A statement by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf on the capture and detainment of citizens.
"All these delegations - what do they represent?" PFLOAG statement discussing the recent visits of a Kuwait/Saudi delegation, Sir William Luce, and Frank J. Shakespear, Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA) to the Gulf, along with other revolutionary news and comment.
"Appeal for support for the people of Oman and the Gulf against the British-Iranian Occupation" An appeal by PFLOAG to the British working class for messages of support, c. 1974-75.
"Appeal to masses of the Arab nation" "Appeal to masses of the Arab nation", issued by the People's Front for Liberation of Oman.
"Enemy launches military campaign against eastern region of the rurals of liberated Dhofar"
"Help Victims of Imperialist Bombing and Terror Campaign" An appeal for donations to Dhofar Medical Aid.
"How Imperialism Preserves Its Interests in the Arabian Gulf" "This booklet contains a collection of political statements issued
by the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on
different occasions. It also contains the statement issued by the
People's Front on account of 1st July, 1969, and
* A Political Statement issued by the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on the so-called Federation of Arabian Gulf Amirates [sic].
* A Political Statement issued by the People's Front on the hostile movements of Saudi reaction.
* A lecture prepared by the Aden office of the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf."
"Memorandum to organisations concerned with abused human dignity"
"Military movements of the enemy" Document by the PFLO Information Committee entitled "Military movements of the enemy", and labelled "Strictly confidential."
"Platform for KROAV" A document platforming the Swedish group KROAV, (Kommittén för Revolutionen i Oman och Arabiska Viken, or Committee to Support the Revolution in Oman and the Arabian Gulf). KROAV later changed its name to Sydvästasien-kommitten (Southwest Asia Committee).
"Statement by representative of People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on the disturbed atmosphere now being lived by the puppet government"
"Statement regarding the aggressive plan against the Omani revolution" A statement issued by the National Union of Students of Oman, the National Union of Students of Bahrain and the General Union of Students of Eritrea.
"Stop Britain's Secret War: Victory to the People of Oman" A pamphlet issued by the Oman Solidarity Campaign.
"Stop Britain's War Against the People of Oman" A pamphlet issued by the Oman Solidarity Campaign demanding an end to Britain's interventions in Oman against the revolt led by the PFLOAG
"Stop the War in Oman!" A pamphlet about the political situation in the Gulf, the national liberation efforts in Oman and British presence in the region. Approximate date: 1974 or 1975.
"Struggling with the Dhofari rebellion: Omani Authorities Fear the Development of a Second Revolutionary Front." Draft article in English for the French newspaper Le Monde about the PFLOAG's activities in Dhofar and intentions in Oman more broadly. Published in French on 17 February 1973, under the title "Les dirigeants d'Oman redoutent l'ouverture d'un second front révolutionnaire."
"The Freedom Hour Struck - Out With Colonialism" A document on the film "The Freedom Hour Struck - Out With Colonialism", by Lebanese director Heiny Srour, about the Dhofar Rebellion. The document includes the views of critics at Cannes Film Festival. Srour was the first female Arab filmmaker to have a film chosen for the festival.
"The masses of our struggling Yemeni people /
The masses of our striving Arab nation"
"Two roads for the people of the Gulf" "Two Roads for the People of the Gulf, " published in "The Opinion", Monday 27 December 1971.
1) Report from KROAV/Sydvästasien-kommittén to the 3rd PFLO-solidarity conference; 2) Platform for Southwest Asia Committee, (Sydvästasien-kommittén), Sweden Two documents by Sydvästasien-kommittén [Southwest Asia Committee], formerly KROAV (Kommittén för Revolutionen i Oman och Arabiska Viken [Committee for the Revolution in Oman and the Arabian Gulf])
9 June (15 April 1972) The 15 April 1972 issue of 9 June, a magazine issued by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf.
9 June (30 April 1972) The 30 April 1972 issue of 9 June, a magazine issued by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf.
9 June (April-May 1970) The April-May 1970 issue of 9 June, a magazine issued by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf.
9 June (April-May 1973) The April-May 1973 issue of 9 June, a magazine issued by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf.