Declaration a l'occasion du 12ème anniversaire de la revolution du 9 Juin [Declaration on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the June 9 Revolution]
Dhofar Medical Aid appeal
Single page appeal for medical aid for the revolutionaries in Dhofar, printed in Urdu and published by the The Kashmir Committee of Solidarity with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arab Gulf
Draft Programme for the Committees in Support of the Revolution in Oman and the Arabian Gulf
A six-page draft Programme for the Committees in Support of the Revolution in Oman and the Arabian Gulf, providing a summary of the current situation and a guide to strategies to promote the cause of the revolution across different media outlets.
Fall of Thaqbeet: Report
A military report on the fall of the British base, located in the north western region of Dhofar, in May 1972.
Foundational Conference Documents by the Committee for the Support of the Revolution in Oman and the whole of the Soviet Union
Documents for a conference held in Moscow on the 26th October 1975.
General Political Statement on the Third Congress Held in Rakhyout from 9-19 June, 1971
Twelve-page booklet containing a General Political Statement on the Third Congress Held in Rakhyout from 9-19 June, 1971
General Union of Palestine Students - UK
A document issued by the UK branch of the General Union of Palestine Students, that refers to support for the PFLOAG and other causes
Generalisation on the Second Congress of the People's Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf to the Support Committees
Generalisation to supporters and friends of the revolution, 12th May 1975
Generalization about the Conference of Solidarity Committees
Generalization to Solidarity Committees about the Conference of Solidarity Committees, to be held 15-20 April 1973 in Aden.
Generalization to the supporting commities [sic] and supporters
A circular from the PFLOAG Aden Office proposing a conference for The Supporting Committees' representatives between 25th December 1972 and 5th January 1973 in Aden, Yemen.
Important statement issued by the Central Executive Committee of the People's Front for the Liberation of Oman on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the glorious 9th June revolution
Important statement issued by the Central Executive Committee of the People's Front for the Liberation of Oman to mark the thirteenth anniversary - in June 1978 - of the revolution launched in Dhofar on 9 June 1965.
Important statement published by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the 9 June great revolution
Information Committee circulars
Two documents: Circulation to the supporting committees & supporters (5/?/1974) and Circular to committees of support and supporters (11/7/1974)
Internal regulations of the All-Soviet Union Committee for Supporting the Revolution in Oman
Interview with Talal Saad and Said Seif on the political situation in Oman and Dhofar
Interview published in the journal Screen.
Issue of PFLOAG bulletin 'Sawt al Thawra' for April 1976
Issue of PFLOAG bulletin 'Sawt al Thawra' for April 1976
Joint Statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf
A Joint Statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf
Joint statement of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam and PFLOAG after their recent talks
Joint statement of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam and PFLOAG after their recent talks. Translated and issued by the Gulf Committee.
Letter from Komiteen for Revolutionen i Oman og des Arabitska Golf (KROAG) to the Gulf Committee.
Letter from Danish group Komiteen for Revolutionen i Oman og des Arabitska Golf (KROAG) to the Gulf Committee about medical aid at the Front.
Letter from The Gulf Committee to supporters of PFLOAG
Appeal from The Gulf Committee for groups in Britain to show support for PFLOAG and its revolutionary activities in the Gulf.
Letter to the PFLOAG Executive Committee
A letter addressed to the Executive Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf.
Liga gegen den Imperialismus (League Against Imperialism)
Statement in English by the German group, Liga gegen den Imperialismus (League Against Imperialism), in support of PFLO.
Lyrics of the revolution in Oman
Lyrics of the songs:
- "Palestine and the Land of Oman"
- "My revolution will win"
- "Omani I am"
- "Arise, my homeland, the land of Oman"
- "Liberation hour"
- "Long live the people and the revolutionaries"
- "The martyrs of the revolution we buried"
- "Your hand is with me, brother"
- "My Arabism, may you be greeted"
- "Nana"
Mass Arrests and Torture in Oman and the Arabian Gulf: A joint statement by the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf and the National Democratic Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf