A statement on current Arab timidity, by the Sudanese Communist Party (1978) A sixteen page booklet issued by the Sudanese Communist Party, entitled 'A statement on current Arab timidity', criticising Sadat's visit to Israel and the willingness of Egypt and the Arab world to make concessions to American demands, especially with regard to the Palestinians.
A street scene in Biskra, Algeria A street scene in Biskra, Algeria, taken by W.J. Harding King in the early 1900s
Déclaration du Parti de l'Istiqlal: Réponse à la nouvelle orientation donnée à l'enseignement par le Ministre de l'Education Nationale dans sa conférence de presse du 6 avril 1966 A 15-page pamphlet by the Istiqlal Party containing their declaration in response to the new educational policy announced by the Minister of National Education during the press conference on April 6, 1966
Egyptian Agriculture and the start of the Green Revolution, July 1978 A 24-page booklet presents the agricultural development, methods for increasing agricultural production in Egypt
El Wad Photograph of El Wad (El Oued) in Algeria
Initiation à l'organisation administrative politique et judiciaire du Maroc dans la classe de fin d'études (C.E.P.) An introductory 55-page book on Morocco's administrative, political, and judicial organization
Kairouan d'hier et d'aujourd'hui [Kairouan yesterday and today] A 57-page booklet providing an overview of the Tunisian city of Kairouan
La Province de Oued Eddahab célèbre le vingt-cinquième anniversaire de l'intronisation de Sa Majesté le Roi Hassan II A 25-page bilingual document presenting the Oued Ed-Dahab Province in Morocco
Livre Blanc sur la Répression au Maroc à l'occasion des Elections Législatives A 81-page white paper addressing repression in Morocco during the legislative elections
Loan Agreement (La Goulette Power Project) between Republic of Tunisia and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development Document outlining the terms of a loan from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development to the Republic of Tunisia, to fund the development of electricity generation capacity and distribution. Dated 21 December 1963.
Loan Agreement (Medjerda Agricultural Project) between Republic of Tunisia and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development Document outlining the terms of a loan from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development to the Republic of Tunisia, to fund the development of agriculture in the Medjerda Valley from 1962 to 1964. Dated 21 December 1963.
Map of Egypt Map of Egypt, based on an earlier map created by Carsten Niebuhr, printed in Volume One of 'Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785' (London, 1787) by Constantin-François Volney (1757-1820).
National Front for the Salvation of Libya newspaper advert Cutting from an unknown and undated newspaper showing a printed statement by the National Front for the Salvation of Libya opposition movement,
Parti de l'Istiqlal: La Démocratie au Maroc A 25-page pamphlet containing the report presented by the Commission of General Affairs and the Constitution from the 8th Congress, which was held by the Istiqlal Party in Casablanca on November 24th, 25th, 26th, 1967
Parti de l'Istiqlal: Le discours que le Président Allal El Fassi a prononcé devant le Conseil National du Parti de l'Istiqlal A 26-page pamphlet presenting the speech delivered by President Allal El Fassi before the National Council of the Istiqlal Party
Parti de l'Istiqlal: Manifeste de l'Indépendance et Manifeste de l'égalitarisme pour la libération économique An 18-page pamphlet featuring two manifestos from the Istiqlal Party: The Manifesto of Independence and the Manifesto of Egalitarianism for Economic Liberation
Photograph of a guemeerah, a pyramidal landmark constructed to guide travellers in the desert. Photograph of a guemeerah, a pyramidal landmark constructed to guide travellers in the desert, taken by W.J. Harding King, probably somewhere in El Oued province.
Photograph of a street in Biskra Photograph of a street in Biskra, taken by W.J. Harding King.
Photograph of King Idris of Libya with President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia Photograph taken by John Carter of King Idris of Libya meeting with Habib Bourguiba, President of Tunisia from 1957 until 1987
Photograph of people walking in a street in Ouargla Photograph of people walking in a street in Ourgla, Algeria, taken by W.J. Harding King.
Photograph of simple mosque in Libyan desert Glass plate photograph by W.J. Harding King of a simple stone mosque in the desert, with a mihrab or niche at one end to indicate the direction of Mecca.
Photograph of the tomb of the Grand Sanusi, at Jaghbub, north of Tobruk Photograph taken by John Carter of the tomb of Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi (1787–1859), known as 'the Grand Sanusi' and founder in 1837 of the Islamic Order of the Sanusiya. He settled at Jaghbub in 1855 and died here four years later. His grandson, King Idris of Libya, was born at Jaghbub.
Photograph of Wargla [Ouargla], Algeria Photograph of the Ibadi mosque of Lalla Azza in Ouargla, Algeria
Postcard entitled 'Sand Storm, Haboob Over the Fort, British Barracks'. Postcard from the Gulf Committee archive, compiled by Helen Lackner. From a set of 40 personal photos, 1910-20.
Preliminary results of the sample population census (Egypt, 1966) 20-page illustrated booklet summarising the 1966 Egyptian census, with statistics on gender, urban and rural population, demographics of different areas etc.