A street scene in Biskra, Algeria A street scene in Biskra, Algeria, taken by W.J. Harding King in the early 1900s
El Wad Photograph of El Wad (El Oued) in Algeria
Photograph of a guemeerah, a pyramidal landmark constructed to guide travellers in the desert. Photograph of a guemeerah, a pyramidal landmark constructed to guide travellers in the desert, taken by W.J. Harding King, probably somewhere in El Oued province.
Photograph of a street in Biskra Photograph of a street in Biskra, taken by W.J. Harding King.
Photograph of people walking in a street in Ouargla Photograph of people walking in a street in Ourgla, Algeria, taken by W.J. Harding King.
Photograph of simple mosque in Libyan desert Glass plate photograph by W.J. Harding King of a simple stone mosque in the desert, with a mihrab or niche at one end to indicate the direction of Mecca.
Photograph of Wargla [Ouargla], Algeria Photograph of the Ibadi mosque of Lalla Azza in Ouargla, Algeria
Street in Constantine, Algeria Photograph by W.J. Harding King of a street scene in Constantine, Algeria, taken in the early 1900s
Tombs of the Sultans of Beni Djellab Photograph of the tombs of the Sultans of the Beni Djellab dynasty, who ruled Tougourt from 1414 to 1854