"Appeal to masses of the Arab nation" "Appeal to masses of the Arab nation", issued by the People's Front for Liberation of Oman.
"How Imperialism Preserves Its Interests in the Arabian Gulf" "This booklet contains a collection of political statements issued
by the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on
different occasions. It also contains the statement issued by the
People's Front on account of 1st July, 1969, and
* A Political Statement issued by the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on the so-called Federation of Arabian Gulf Amirates [sic].
* A Political Statement issued by the People's Front on the hostile movements of Saudi reaction.
* A lecture prepared by the Aden office of the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf."
"The masses of our struggling Yemeni people /
The masses of our striving Arab nation"
5 Years of CENTO The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
A letter from Mohamed Ali Ettaher, Editor of 'Ashoura' newspaper in Cairo, to Nabih al-Azmah, dated 8/11/1934, regarding the proposed Arab Exhibition in Egypt, and suggesting that a company should be considered for the third exhibition. رسالة من محمد الي الطاهر في القاهرة الى نبيه العظمه بتاريج ١١/٨/١٩٣٤ يتناول نواح من مشارع المعرض العربي في مصره كمل يقترح بالتفكير بتاليف شركة للمعرض الثالث
A photograph of H.G. Balfour-Paul, Sheikh Rashid and the Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League A photograph of H.G. Balfour-Paul, then Political Agent in Dubai, with the ruler, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, and the visiting Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League, with a handwritten note on the back stating that the latter was 'seeking to undermine Britain's position in the Gulf'.
A Short Guide to the League of Arab States A 44-page document on the founding, operation and activities of the League of Arab States. Includes an introductory essay, 'Basic Aspects of the Present Arab Situation', by H.E. Amb. Abdel Khalek Hassouna, Secretary-General of The League of Arab States, and concludes with photographs from the First Arab Summit Conference in Cairo, January 1964.
A statement issued by Arab national organizations and forces present in the city of Baku in the Soviet Union regarding the reactionary movements in Oman and the Arabian Gulf
A statement on current Arab timidity, by the Sudanese Communist Party (1978) A sixteen page booklet issued by the Sudanese Communist Party, entitled 'A statement on current Arab timidity', criticising Sadat's visit to Israel and the willingness of Egypt and the Arab world to make concessions to American demands, especially with regard to the Palestinians.
Along the Path of a CENTO Railway "A narrative with text and photographs telling how Iran and Turkey, with the Support of CENTO associates, are repeating history by linking their countries with a modern railway."
The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
An Outline of the United Arab Emirates' Foreign Policy and its Achievements in 1975 23-page booklet, 'An Outline of the United Arab Emirates' Foreign Policy and its Achievements in 1975', published by the UAE Ministry of Information & Culture Information Department as No.19 in their Information Studies series. The booklet discusses UAE foreign policy relating to the Gulf, Arab League, Islamic World, United Nations and other organisations, and includes a detailed list of foreign delegations, conferences and economic activities in which the UAE has participated.
Arab and Socialist Ba'th Party - The Ba'th facing up to the challenge to come Michel Aflaq's (founder and Secretary-General of the Arab Ba'th Socialist Party) 1977 speech.
Arab Observer No.285 (6 December 1965) Issue No.285 (6 December 1965) of 'Arab Observer and The Scribe', a Non-Aligned Weekly magazine published in Cairo, containing 53 pages of news and articles on topics including the UAR, Helwan-les-Bains, the Harad Conference at which Yemeni Republicans and Royalists tried to agree on a form of government, Occupied Palestine, art exhibitions, African and Asian affairs, short stories and tourism reports.
Archaeology in the CENTO Region "This booklet is intended as an introduction to the historical and artistic wonders found in Iran, Pakistan and Turkey and is offered as a by-product of the Symposium on Archaeology held at Lahore [in March 1964]."
The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
CENTO Makes Progress: The Sixth Year of Proof The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
This booklet from April 1961 outlines "[w]hy it was established, how it functions and a few samples of achievement during its Sixth Year prior to the Ninth Session of the Ministerial Council in Ankara."
CENTO Multilaterial Technical Cooperation Fund The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
CENTO Security and Development with British Aid The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
Central Treaty Organization A booklet about the purpose, structure and programmes of the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO). CENTO was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
Central Treaty Organization 1964 Summaries, statements and photos pertaining to the Twelfth Session of the Council at the Ministerial Level in Washington, the Fifteenth Session of the CENTO Military Committee in Washington and the Twelfth Session of the CENTO Economic Committee in Ankara.
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
Circular to supporters of the revolution about celebrating solidarity with the struggle of the people of the Arab Gulf Circular to supporters of the revolution about celebrating solidarity with the struggle of the people of the Arab Gulf
Economic Data and Development Plans of the CENTO Region Countries "The purpose of the present booklet is to give some basic data on the economics of the Regional Countries [Iran, Pakistan and Turkey], their present state of growth, and the highlights of their development plans."
The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a Cold War-era military alliance between Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK and, later, the US, which lasted from February 1955 to March 1979.
First Arab Petroleum Congress organized by the secretariat general of the league of Arab states, 1958 A bilingual pamphlet presenting First Arab Petroleum Congress in Cairo, from 1st to 15th November 1958
Iraq's Foreign Policy Documentation of statement given by Hashim Jawad (Minister of Foreign Affairs) at a meeting of the UN. It focusses on specific relationships and interactions between Iraq and other countries, which are labelled and addressed according to the specific contemporary concerns, with general conclusions at the end. Countries discussed include Palestine, the Congo, Algeria, and others.
Liberation Struggle, no. 2 (February 1972) "An international anti-imperialist monthly forum, mainly for the overseas communities in Britain and Europe, covering the direction of events in Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and with a special focus on Africa".
Liberation Struggle, no. 3/4 (March/April 1972) "An international anti-imperialist monthly forum, mainly for the overseas communities in Britain and Europe, covering the direction of events in Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and with a special focus on Africa".
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