النشرة الشهرية العامة لإحصاءات فلسطين، المجلد ١، العدد ١ (يوليو ١٩٣٦)
النشرة الشهرية العامة للإحصاءات الجارية في فلسطين، المجلد ١، العدد ٣ (سِبْتَمْبَر ١٩٣٦)
النشرة الشهرية العامة للإحصاءات الجارية في فلسطين، المجلد ١، العدد ٦ (دِيسَمْبَر ١٩٣٦)
النشرة الشهرية العامة للإحصاءات الجارية في فلسطين، المجلد ١، الأعداد ٤ و ٥ (أُكْتُوبَر - نُوفَمْبَر ١٩٣٦)
General Union of Palestine Students - UK وثيقة صادرة عن الاتحاد العام لطلبة فلسطين (المملكة المتحدة) يشير إلى دعم الجبهة وحركات التحرير الأخرى
دليل غابات العطلات في إسرائيل كتيب مكون من ٣٢ صفحة يحتوي على خرائط للمشي في الغابات في إسرائيل، صادر عن إدارة المعلومات التابعة للصندوق القومي اليهودي
High Adventure Ministries mobile broadcasting station, Palestine, ca.1979-84. Black-and-white photograph of a large lorry parked in Palestine, with 'HBN High Adventure Broadcasting Network. Star of Hope Television' printed on the side, beneath the Biblical quotation "'In this Place will I Give Peace': Free Lebanon." High Adventure Ministries was founded by George Otis in the early 1970s, and later included a 'Voice of Hope' radio station and 'Star of Hope' television channel, working closely with the IDF, Saad Haddad and the Free Lebanon/South Lebanon Army, a Christian militia group operating in the Israeli-supported 'State of Free Lebanon.'
سياسات الاستيطان الإسرائيلية
خريطة شارع القدس (١٩٦٨) خريطة شارع القدس, تم تجميعه ورسمه وطباعته بواسطة هيئة المساحة الإسرائيلية، ديسمبر١٩٦٨
خريطة البلدة القديمة (القدس) Jerusalem, The Old City, 1:2500, First Edition prepared by F.J.Salmon, 1936. Revised and printed by the Survey of Israel, 1975.
المكتبة الخالدية Colour photograph of the entrance to the Khalidi Library in Jerusalem.
Map of Jerusalem - Regional (1:100,000), Surveyed 1934, Published 1939 Map of Jerusalem - Regional (1:100,000), Surveyed 1934, Published 1939. 1:100,000 Series, Sheet 8. Compiled, Drawn & Printed under the direction of F.J. Salmon, Commissioner for Lands & Surveys, Palestine, 1934. Surveyed by plane-table 1933-34. Contours from Military Surveys 1918 & Survey of Palestine 1934. Photo-Zincography by Survey of Palestine. Roads revised to September 1939.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. A., Surveyed 1937, Published 1937 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. A., Surveyed 1937, Published 1937. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. B., Surveyed 1936, Published 1937 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. B., Surveyed 1936, Published 1937. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. C., Surveyed 1936, Published 1937 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. C., Surveyed 1936, Published 1937. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. D., Surveyed 1936, Published 1937 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 165-130. Sub-District 7. D., Surveyed 1936, Published 1937. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. A., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. A., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. B., Surveyed 1935, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. B., Surveyed 1935, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. C., Surveyed 1935, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. C., Surveyed 1935, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. D., Surveyed 1935, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 10. D., Surveyed 1935, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 11. A., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 11. A., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 11. B., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 11. B., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 11. C., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 11. C., Surveyed 1936, Published 1938. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 13. A., Surveyed 1935, Published 1937 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 13. A., Surveyed 1935, Published 1937. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.
Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 13. B., Surveyed 1935, Published 1937 Map of Jerusalem (1:1250), District 170-130. Sub-District 13. B., Surveyed 1935, Published 1937. Undertaken by Survey of Palestine.