'The Lost Tribes of Israel', 1971
Ten-page typed paper on Jewish communities in Yemen, entitled 'The Lost Tribes of Israel' and written by Hugh Leach when he was travelling with Freya Stark in Yemen. It was originally sent to the FCO as an enclosure to a classified document written by Willie Morris, British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, but since released to the PRO and now in the public domain. For further details, see the book by Hugh Leach, 'Seen in the Yemen: Travelling with Freya Stark & Others' (London: Arabian Publishing, 2011.)
بيان حول اعتقال السلط ة العميلة لعدد من المواطنين الابرياء
A statement by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf on the capture and detainment of citizens.
"As we know, the Imperialist intervention..." [untitled]
A document proposing the founding of the Oman Solidarity Campaign.
الطرق التي تحافظ بها الإمبريالية على مصالحها في الخليج العربي
"This booklet contains a collection of political statements issued
by the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on
different occasions. It also contains the statement issued by the
People's Front on account of 1st July, 1969, and
* A Political Statement issued by the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf on the so-called Federation of Arabian Gulf Amirates [sic].
* A Political Statement issued by the People's Front on the hostile movements of Saudi reaction.
* A lecture prepared by the Aden office of the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf."
خطاب رئيس وزراء أحمد محمد نعمان, ١٢ يوليو١٩٧١
"Premier Noman's speech" on 12th July 1971. North Yemen. A small pamphlet outlining Premier [Ahmed] Noman's speech on the 12th July 1971, a few months after being appointed Premier of the Republic Government.
أوقفوا حرب بريطانيا السرية: النصر لشعب عمان
A pamphlet issued by the Oman Solidarity Campaign.
"Stop Britain's War Against the People of Oman"
A pamphlet issued by the Oman Solidarity Campaign.
أوقفوا الحرب في عمان!
A pamphlet about the political situation in the Gulf, the national liberation efforts in Oman and British presence in the region. Approximate date: 1974 or 1975.
جماهير شعبنا اليمني المكافح
جماهير أمتنا العربية المناضلة
الذكرى الخامسة عشرة لتصدير النفط: شركة أبوظبي العاملة فى المناطق البحرية
كتيب تذكاري يحتفل بمرور خمسة عشر عامًا على تصدير النفط والصناعة البحرية في أبوظبي
18th century map of Arabia
Folding map of Arabia, engraved by Richard William Seale (1703-62), and bound in an edition of George Sale's translation of the Qur'an: 'The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed' (London: Hawes &c., 1764). In addition to delineating the Arabian Peninsula, the map shows the Mediterranean, Indian and Red seas, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Persia, parts of Egypt and Ethiopia, as well as a small insert illustration of ‘The Temple of Mecca, as it was formally, from a draught in the Bodleian Library.'
١٩٥٥ تقرير العمليات المقدم إلى الحكومة العربية السعودية من قبل شركة النفط العربية الأمريكية
Annual Report of Operations for 1955, published by the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in accordance with Article 26 of its Concession Agreement. Written in both English & Arabic and including illustrations and eight pages of photographs.
١٩٥٦ تقرير العمليات المقدم إلى الحكومة العربية السعودية من قبل شركة النفط العربية الأمريكية
Illustrated 'Annual Report of Operations' for 1956, published by the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in both English & Arabic.
١٩٥٧ تقرير العمليات المقدم إلى الحكومة العربية السعودية من قبل شركة النفط العربية الأمريكية
Illustrated 'Annual Report of Operations' for 1957, published by the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in both English & Arabic.
١٩٥٨ تقرير العمليات المقدم إلى الحكومة العربية السعودية من قبل شركة النفط العربية الأمريكية
Illustrated 'Annual Report of Operations' for 1958, published by the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in both English & Arabic.
التقرير السنوي لشركة أرامكو السعودية لعام (١٩٥٩)
Illustrated 'Annual Report of Operations' for 1959, published by the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in both English & Arabic.
التقرير السنوي لشركة أرامكو السعودية لعام (١٩٦٠)
Illustrated 'Annual Report of Operations' for 1960, published by the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) in both English & Arabic.
٥ مارس - ١٢ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس - ١٣ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس ١٣٧ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس - ١٤ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس - ١٥ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس – العدد ١٥٧
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس ١٦-١٧ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain
٥ مارس ١٩ العدد
Monthly Bulletin of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain