Map of Jerusalem, from Steimatzky's 'Palestine Guide' (1941) Map of 'Jerusalem. The Old City, seen from the Jaffa Gate', drawn by Shlomo Ben-David (1906-68) and reproduced in the book 'Palestine Guide' (Jerusalem: Steimatzky, 1941) by Zev Vilnay (1900-88), Israeli geographer and military topographer in the Haganah. The map includes artwork showing important buildings around the city, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, but otherwise with the emphasis strongly on sites of Jewish and Christian significance.
Map of Palestine; Irrigated Areas, 1:250,000. 1955. 1:250,000 scale map of irrigated areas in Palestine, with text in English and Hebrew, printed in 1955. Contains an index to Villages & Settlements, and a Map of Irrigated Areas. Published by the Ministry of Agriculture - Water Department, Water Utilisation Division. Compiled, Drawn & Printed by the Survey of Palestine, 1946.
Map of the Israel Campaign in the Sinai Peninsula Map of the Israel Campaign in the Sinai region written in Hebrew and English.
Maps of Jerusalem (1:1250), Districts 165-130 & 170-130. Surveyed 1935-1937, Published 1937-1938. Maps of Jerusalem (1:1250), Districts 165-130 & 170-130. Surveyed 1935-1937, Published 1937-1938. A full PDF containing the 37 maps of Jerusalem which originate from the Palestine survey in the 1930's under British Administration, covering districts 165-130 & 170-130. The maps start with the index and run in numerical order of District, then Sub-District.
Mediterranean Dead Sea Project A 16-page pamphlet presenting the Mediterranean-Dead Sea Project, a proposed hydro-electric scheme that would also include a desalination plant
Mustapha El Kurd, 'Songs from Palestine' A trilingual 15-page booklet presents the songs from Palestine
North Jordan Valley Development Study: Demography, Fertility, Housing and Labour - Statistical Abstract No. 1 (1983) Publication compiled by Alex Pollock and issued by the Arab Thought Forum, Jerusalem, in 1987.
Palestine Liberation Organization - Palestine National Fund - Central Bureau of Statistics - Volume 1: Agricultural Statistical Bulletin for the West Bank and Gaza Strip 1979 Agricultural Statistical Bulletin for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, published in 1979 by the PLO, with data on land use, agriculture crops, labour demographics and other issues.
Palestinian Workers in Israel: A Reserve Army of Labour A 25-page booklet that outlines the growth and status of Palestinian workers in Israel.
Photograph album commemorating the laying of the foundation stone of the Church of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, Palestine, 1919 Photograph album commemorating the laying of the foundation stone of the Church of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor by Cardinal Filippo Giustini, Palestine, in 1919. The album contains fifteen photographs and was presented to Major Albert Harrington, Military Governor of Nazareth, by Fr. Gaudense Orfali OFM. It includes group portraits of clergymen such as Fr. Ferdinando Diotallevi OFM, Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Francis Lamb O.Carm (1867-1950), Mgr. Gregorios Hajjar (1875–1940), Melkite Archbishop of Saint John of Akka, along with civil and political dignitaries including M. Louis Rais the French Consul, as well as numerous photographs of Cardinal Giustini carrying out the rites of consecration in the ruins of the old basilica.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of life in Palestine, circa 1970's. Annotation reads "Abu Sameer in Safed". Scene shows man smiling into the camera.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows camel loaded with wheat.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows outside walls of stone building.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows field and tree-covered hillside.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows harvested crop on ground in field.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Annotation reads "Abu Sulayman". Scene shows portrait of man looking into the camera.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows exterior of building with vegetation.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows two shuttered windows on stone building.
Photograph by Ya-akov (Hardwin) Firestone of rural village life in Palestine. Scene shows a partially ruined stone building with palm trees, probably taken in Arrabeh.
Photograph of Abu Alaa (Ahmed Qurei) and Rawhi Fattouh at a meeting of the newly-established Palestine Legislative Council in 1996 صورة أبو علاء و روحي فتوح, أعضاء المجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني في ١٩٩٦
Pioneering Palestine No.1 : The Story of Degania, from the Hebrew by Joseph Baratz (1931) A 66-page book of the story of Degania, authored by Joseph Baratz
Political Communique issued by the People's Front for the Liberation of Oman on the Shultz Agreement between Israel and Lebanon Political Communique issued by the People's Front for the Liberation of Oman on the Agreement between Israel and Lebanon negotiated by US Secretary of State George Shultz in April–May 1983.
Poster for the 1996 Palestinian general election Poster for the 1996 Palestinian general election
Poster for the 1996 Palestinian general election Poster for the Palestinian general elections that were held in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem on 20 January 1996. These were for the election of the President of the Palestinian National Authority and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council
Poster: Palestinian Election, by IFES Poster: Palestinian Election by IFES (International Foundation of Electoral Systems)